Create your

own fundraiser

Taking on a physical challenge? Wanting to shave your head? Organising a morning tea?

By raising money for Children's Medical Research Institute, you're giving hope to the 1 in 20 kids facing a birth defect or genetic disease. Sign up and give hope today!

Create a fundraiser

Register your unique fundraiser today and give hope to kids facing a birth defect or genetic disease.

Share with everyone

Spread the word and ask your family and friends to sponsor you. We're here to help you all of the way.

Make a difference

The money you raise can help fund research into children's genetic diseases including cancer.

The difference you will make

By creating a unique fundraiser and supporting Jeans for Genes, the money you raise will go to Children's Medical Research Institute where scientists are working hard every day to find treatments and cures for children's genetic diseases.

Bring your ideas to life and raise money to give the gift of hope.


Find your friend and donate to help make a difference.